Roman Senators: 5 (or more for extras)
Augustus Caesar
Donkey (2 people)
3 innkeepers
3 Angels (plus extras)
3 Shepherds
3 Wise Men (Kings)
Group of smaller children dressed as farm animals, angels etc to participate and sing
(Senators enter from backstage wearing togas(sheets). When they are seated, Caesar enters)
Augustus Caesar: My fellow Romans, I have decided that we will count all the people in the Roman Empire.
Senator 1: (raises hand nervously) Why Caesar?
Caesar: Because I want to know how many men, women and children there are in my Empire.
Senator 2: (adds) You mean “our Empire” Caesar?
Caesar: (shouts) That’s what I said – my Empire! I will call it a… Census.
Senator 3: Just the people in Rome, Caesar?
Caesar: No, the whole Empire.
Senator 4: You mean on this continent?
Caesar: I said the whole Empire?
Senator 5: You don’t mean Israel too?
Caesar: Everyone!
Senator 1: You know what this means don’t you?
All senators: Chaos!
Caesar: Do you like your jobs, your houses – your lives?
All senators: (quick salute) Hail, Caesar!
Caesar: (over his shoulder) That’s what I thought!
(Hands scroll to senator 3 and Caesar exits)