Funny Verses

Parents' Lament

Little baby go to sleep,
Why can’t you go to sleep?

There are mommies asleep on buses and chairs
And chefs asleep on their kitchen stairs
Teenagers like to sleep in school -
They don't care if it's uncool!
There are gardeners sleeping on the lawn
Swallowing grass bits when they yawn
And daddies sleeping on their trains
Trying to rest such busy brains
Couples fall asleep during movies
With faces in popcorn, sodas and candies
The postman fell asleep on the bench
And ditch digger - down in his trench

We even know, people who go to row
And fall asleep in mid-row and so
Many campers asleep in their tents
It doesn't make sense!

Holidaymakers asleep on the beaches
Zookeepers asleep - not the creatures!
Little boys sleeping up in trees
Octopi sleeping in soft, surfy seas

Your bed is cosy, soft and warm,
Teddy is keeping an eye on the storm
What's that you say, Ted?
Oh. Shh. Yes I see.
Baby’s asleep
Now, me!


Monster! Run!

 Quick!  Run! Hide!
The monster is coming!

Dad under his office table
Closes his eyes so he won’t be seen

Mum in her bedroom cupboard
In her dresses, coats and shoes

Sebastian under his bed
Hand over his mouth so he doesn’t scream

Here comes the monster
Big and purple with a very long nose
And very big feet and only one eye

The monster growls, “BLARG! BLARG!”
And reaches out sticky, gloopy hands

Dad runs to Mum
“Ssshhh!” he says, “The monster is coming!”

The monster growls again, “BLARG! BLARG!”
And stamps with its big, dirty feet

Mum and Dad run to hide with Sebastian
“There isn’t room for all of us you know,” Sebastian says

“Ssshh!” Mum says, “The monster!”
“Quick!” says Dad, “Anti-monster pills.”

Just in time!
The monster comes into the room
Growling “BLARG! BLARG!” and blinking its one eye

Quick as a flash, Dad throws anti-monster pills
Into the monster’s huge, toothy mouth

Then before their very eyes,
The monster begins to change
One eye becomes two
Goopy hands are clean
Large dirty feet are small and shiny
Long nose is small and stubby
“Thank goodness for anti-monster pills,”
Say Mum and Dad climbing out from under the bed

“Can I have some too?” Sebastian says
“No! They’re all mine!” shouts the monster

“Oh dear, she’s turning purple again,” Mum moans
“We almost had a little girl,” groans Dad.
Quick! Run! Hide!
The monster is coming!

Guess what? Guess some more!
My Gran is really a dinosaur!

Guess what? Guess some more -
My Gran is really a dinosaur
I know it's true! She told me so
When she came to visit an hour ago.

TV was gross – there was nothing but NEWS!
So I took the remote and said, “Gran you choose.”
But she looked at me with startled eyes
And said, “I’m sure it’s no surprise,

“But I’m really just an old dinosaur
I’ve never seen this thingy before
We didn’t have them way-back-when
Dinosaurs didn’t watch TV then.”

And I thought, WOW! Maybe gran
Is a Pterodactyl with a huge wingspan
I can see her diving on terrified prey
Grabbing small kids to eat on the way.

Then when I was playing my video game
I got stuck, yelled, and in Gran came
She said, “Oh dear, I’m just a dinosaur
I haven’t a clue what those keys are for
And what is this thing? You say ‘mouse’?
I never had one like that in my house.”

And I thought, “I wonder if Gran is a giant T-Rex
With extra-sharp teeth and powerful legs
She would have a tremendous roar
That knocks her enemies to the floor!”

Then my mom gave Gran a brand new phone
And said, “Now you can call when you’re alone
Think of it! Whenever you like.”
And Gran said, “Call? On this thing? Yike!

“Whatever happened to normal phones?
Take a look at these dinosaur bones!”

And I thought, I hope Gran is a Brontosaur
We could sell rides (from two to four)
Down her long tail and neck
That would be the best slide yet!

And when the time came for Gran to go
I said, “Don’t worry, no one will know
I’ll keep your secret!” “What?” she said
But gave me a wink and shook her head

And you may not believe it – but I know I saw
The strangest footprints going out of our door
They were wide and webby – like a dinosaur
And when she got in the car, I heard my Gran

Where is Mom's Smile?

Mommy lost her smile today
I know it must be here
She had it on this morning
What made it disappear? 
It couldn’t be when Ben
Found the stinky, spraying stuff
And tried it out on all of us
Even our dog, Fluff 
And John only wanted
To make mom some tea
With lots of milk and sugar
Although he’s only three 

It couldn’t be when Annie
Was getting her new tooth
And cried and cried and cried
We tried and tried and tried!

Mom held her head and said,
“I need help, and my bed!”
She went upstairs and closed the door
John smeared cake on the kitchen floor
 I know the number you must call
- I am the eldest after all
And before we could put on pants
There were firemen, police and an ambulance
 Mom’s smile was gone. There was a frown
(And she couldn’t put the baby down)
“It was me mom,” I confessed
You need help to get them dressed.”
 The firemen smiled and bustled in
And said, “Let’s make tea then.
Our station needs help – how about you?
But you need pants and you need a shoe.

So we were all firemen that day
We rode on the engine and got to play
With Jack, the friendly firedog there
Mom got three boys out of her hair
And when we got home - after a while -
There fast asleep, was mom and her smile
But I thought as we went upstairs to bed
We didn’t get to be policemen – at least, not yet…

I Did 10 Impossible Things Today! 

First of all believe it or not!
I woke up before the alarm clock.
Then I found socks a matching pair!
Who would ever have known they were there? 

And then I found my very best jeans!
Where had they been? Hiding unseen
Behind the un-cool pants
Bought by mum and the aunts!

And my shoes were right
Where I left them last night -
One looking left, one looking right.
I like to see them standing like that -
As though they were having a cool-shoe chat.

My hair wasnt sticky-uppy either today
It was just lying around in a normal way
So I combed it flat
And left it like that.

But everyone has ears - who can help ears? 

Its no use dissolving into buckets of tears

Like some kids do when they are teased.
Im growing into mine and today I could see
My ears fit my head clear as can be!
And that T-shirt I bought
The one that I thought
Mum might stick away?
Well, not today
It was there! On my chair
All ready to wear!

My backpack was clean (it was so weird)
There were no sticky patches where gum had been smeared
No odd bits of fluff or gunk in the pockets
My eyes nearly popped out of their perfect eye sockets!

And then just imagine! The breakfast of kings!
Pancakes, banana, honey and things
And then it hit me a sudden thought
I had done something bad I had been caught!
My punishment was all the things I liked best
Mum, I said, I have to confess.

About what Joe, she said
And I couldnt think.
Did I break a window?
Did I block up the sink?

She said, Hey Joe
And I said, Yep, sort of softly
Heres some money for lunch
But remember now - not too much junk.
I blinked and I said,
Hey mum, why is today
Better than any regular day?

Have you forgotten? she grinned, Look over there
The calendar, the month, the day, the year!
My birthday! I shouted, Hooray!
Presents and cake and I have to say
The perfect mum on the perfect day!

She gave me a hug, a wink and a kiss
And Im seven, but I dont mind things like this.

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